(A new link will be available 01 July 2023 for members to pay dues/fees)
Capital Region Ques!
Happy New Year 2023!! Welcome to the FY2022-2023 financial calendar year with Lambda Gamma Gamma Chapter (“LGG”)! If you were financial with LGG during the previous calendar year you may recognize that we have implemented a new online payment service integrated with our chapter communications platform. These features will allow brothers to make payments online for their chapter dues & fees.
This page serves as a “quick pay” process for brothers who wish to pay and renew their chapter dues. Before you pay your dues there are several administrative contexts below that brothers/members of LGG must be aware of. Additionally, please pay attention to fields that have a red ‘*’ as those are required fields and input is needed for processing.
Please read those instructions below:
1.) If you were a financial member of LGG for the FY2021-2022 year your dues will not expire until October 31, 2022. You will continue to have access to all chapter online resources (i.e. Outlook E-mail, MS Teams) thru January 1, 2023. This also includes those brothers who were not financial and were given access due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have not paid your dues prior to the January 1, 2023 midnight deadline then you may experience having your chapter e-mail account *frozen* until dues payment is received and processed by the chapter Keeper of Records & Seal (NOTE: You will also incur late and/or reinstatement fees).
2.) Chapter dues were increased in the FY2020-2021 year in the amount of $25, bringing the annual chapter dues amount to $135. Additionally, during the FY2020-2021 the 2nd District dues also increased to $50. The chapter no longer utilizes Club Express services. Dues can no longer be paid via the legacy Club Express (“CE”) website for FY2022-2023. Effective October 30, 2021, the chapter no longer utilizes Clube Express “CE” for member management services. If you have an old or expired link to the Club Express website DO NOT USE THE SITE TO TRY AND PAY YOUR DUES. Contact the KRS at ‘krs@capitalregionques.org’ or the Web/IT Services team is you have questions or need support.
3.) If you WERE NOT financial for the FY2021-2022 fraternity year and you are renewing your dues, ensure to pay the reinstatement fees of $3 (IHQ) when you pay your dues. You can find this in the “Reinstatement Fees” section. If you are unsure if you need to pay a reinstatement fee please inquire to ‘dues@capitalregionques.org‘ or contact the Chapter’s KRS.
4.) Life Memberships: Brothers can no longer purchase IHQ Life Memberships which cost $2,500.00 on our website. IHQ now requires brothers to purchase life memberships on the IHQ website. Brothers can access and pay for IHQ Life Membership on the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc’s IHQ website. Brothers still have the option to purchase 2nd District Life Membership for $1,000.00 on our dues payment form below.
5.) Once you have completed paying your FY2022-2023 dues, please ensure to login to your chapter email account and update your member profile in Outlook/OWA365/Delve. To update your profile please click the following link: Update Member Profile in Chapter Directory (NOTE: The Web & IT Services Team will be providing training during the monthly chapter meetings on how brothers can update their profile information and access the LGG chapter directory services).
6.) Alternatively to using this “quick pay” form, you can mail your chapter dues to the KRS or contact the KRS to pay via the telephone. Please complete the form below to calculate your dues amount. Print the page and enclose a check for the dues amount & also include the printed page details (DO NOT SUBMIT PAYMENT) and make the check payable to “Lambda Gamma Gamma Chapter” and mailto:
Lambda Gamma Gamma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
c/o Keeper of Records & Seal
P.O. Box 1787
Clinton, Maryland 20735
(NOTE: Brothers can also contact the KRS team, Bro. Benson Macon at 804-241-0098 to pay their dues manually.)
7.) If you wish to pay for a transaction or fee that is not dues related, please go to the “Pay for Miscellaneous Item” section below and insert the amount you wish to pay and the description of what the payment was for (e.g. Payment for tickets #100 thru #150 at $20.00 each = $1,000).
8.) Chapter members can also make charitable donations for church, bereavement, and health/morale activities and the LGG Ghana support initiatives sponsored by the chapter & the chaplain services team by going to the Church & Chaplain Services Donation , Ghana Support, and Miscellaneous Donation payment section in the form below. Inquires or questions can be submitted to the chaplain team at ‘chaplain@capitalregionques.org‘ or donations@capitalregionques.org.
9.) Please complete the quick pay form below. Ensure that you input all contact information so that you can be emailed a receipt for your transaction and as a reference for payment. If you are a new member or transferring brother into the chapter please ensure to check the “New/Transferring Brother” option. DO NOT HIT THE “PROCESS DUES PAYMENT” button twice. DO NOT hit the BACK button in your browser or you may be charged again to your credit card. Once you have clicked the “Process Dues Payment” button you will then be redirected to a response page showing your transaction. At this point you can navigate to another page or close your web browser.
10.) If you need assistance or have questions please email ‘dues@capitalregionques.org‘ or select “Dues Administration” from the chapter directory on Outlook/OWA 365. If you are experiencing any technical or access issues please email ‘helpdesk@capitalregionques.org‘.