SPOTLIGHT FEATURE – LGG Provides Water Borehole, School, and Support to Ghana
LGG’ s Ghana support project is an initiative that supports our mission to provide community service through various social action projects, domestically and internationally.
Ghana School Construction & Dedication Ceremony (Ghana, Africa)
Bro. Rob Lavender gives remarks during dedication ceremony.
Bro. Rob Lavender & Ghanian children visit newly constructed school.
Bro. Sherman Charles (35th Second District Representative), Bro. Keith Boykin, Bro. Orlando Dixon are among the numerous brothers, to include the Grand Basileus Bro. David Marion to attend the dedication ceremony in Ghana, Africa.
School under construction.
School completed construction.
Ghana Water Borehole Donation/Dedication
Lambda Gamma Gamma donates for the drilling and sourcing of water borehole for the citizens of Ghana, Africa.
Ghana, Africa citizens happy and looking forward to using the water resources.
Lambda Gamma Gamma “The Capital Region Ques” living the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., creed…serving communities locally & internationally!